
Thursday, May 28, 2015 Maz


Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Maz

I am sorry you are too busy
I am sorry you happened to be on my way
I am sorry you just bumped into me
I am sorry you accidentally kicked my foot
I am sorry that I exist
I am just sorry.

We have programmed ourselves to be sorry all the time and we repeat it over and over.
This is out of politeness we say.
But it is not.
Put yourself to a test and count the number of the times you say "sorry" in a day.
If the number is more two or three something is wrong.
You cannot make that many mistakes in a day, can you?

The truth is being sorry has lost it's meaning.
Everybody is sorry for us and we are sorry for them.
And the reason for being sorry? a normal interaction or simple physical bump.

It is time to realise that using the word "sorry" is meaningless in our daily interactions and we cannot use it when we are truly sorry for our mistakes!

In Search of Constant Happiness

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Maz

Searching for happiness is intuitive and sweet.
It is like bottomless beggar's pocket.
The more you pour in the more it demands.

We tend to run away from our fears and move towards happiness.
The reality is searching for constant happiness without going through the pain and struggle is meaningless.
We are happy during the hardship and challenge.
once the result arrived, the pleasure fades away soon.

The only way to stay fulfilled is to be challenged not to seek the end result (happiness)


Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Maz

When a nail is out of its place the carpenter tries to hit it so hard so it does not stand out or be outside of its place.

Tall tulip stand out of the field and horticulturist always keep an eye for these tall tulip to cut them short.

When bunch of grass are taller than the rest, the gardner trims them all using lawn mower so they all be in same size and shape.

At school teachers are working hard so the pupils think and behave like each other.

There is massive pressure on all of us to be the same, to fit in and try so hard to be accepted by our peer groups and family members.

We have been told the big goals are bad and we should try not to stand out. We should not aim higher and achieve big.

This is called Megaphobia.

Megaphobia is a fear of growing taller and stronger than the rest because they may not approve of us.
This mindset is a limiting belief and should be avoided at all costs.

Limited WillPower

Friday, May 15, 2015 Maz

At the beginning of every task we get psych out.
We get excited how we are going to start and finish it.
We make decision while our willpower is full and we always underestimate the process and the time required to finish any task.

The bad news is we all have limited amount of willpower.
Once it is drained, it is gone for a while.

There is a limited supply of willpower, so use it on the most important task and nothing else.


Thursday, May 14, 2015 Maz

no one is a self made

Have a look at the most successful people and soon will realise that none of them made it on their own.

In reality none of us can make it if we are just independent. being one against all.
As a social creature we need each other and they need us.
It is a mutual thing. Give and take.

It is always better to be interdependent than just independent.
And the only way to reach to this point is to be independent.

So be independent while cooperating with others!

Multitasking Is A Myth

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Maz

we all have a limited time, 24 hours a day.
We all try to multitask as much as we can to tick of the items on our to-do list and feel good.

When we use to-do list we tend to do the easiest task first to get the rewards instantly and we tend to leave the most important task (the hard task) for the end. This process of ticking tasks and feel good instantly make us miserable. This brings us to a point of not focusing on the hard task that pays off way more in long term.

Multitasking is just a switching our mental ability between tasks and share our mental energy on two tasks instead of one.
It is always better to do one thing at a time and do the most important task first.

Just one and only one thing, the most important and difficult task that pays off later!

Role Model

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Maz

If you wear the same clothes like everyone else,
If you talk like everyone else,
If you behave the same way like everyone else,

You are just like them

Living life of an average person and doing average things.
Being and living average is plenty and boring.
Nobody notices you.
You are in the background.

If that’s what you want is completely fine.
But if you want to be different, to stand out, to be noticed you have to go an extra mile and be different. Distinguish yourself from the crowd and stand out. This is the new way of living.

Don’t try to be the person they already are, be the person they want to be!

Impress Everyone

Monday, May 11, 2015 Maz

Try to be the person they can’t be.
Impress Everyone!
Try to impress them not by their way of thinking but by going against the grain. 
By going against the odds and make it.

The moment they see you have achieved a level that they can’t achieve, they will watch you closely.
They want to be you.
They live and breathe you.
That’s the point you can be influential.

So impress them by being the best of you can be.


Friday, May 08, 2015 Maz

An Autopilot is a system designed for passenger aircrafts to keep it afloat at a set altitude and speed towards its goal, the destination. Even though it does not replace the human operator but it assists the pilot to lean back, relax if necessary. The aircrafts are set to function on this autopilot most of the time and they are considered very safe.

We human like aircrafts have autopilot system too. We are running on them most of the time and get to places in our lives.

But what if the autopilot set for our goals are at a wrong speed and altitude?
What if we don’t question it once it has been set?
What if there is a storm in our way and we need a detour?

It is always necessary to question the route, speed and altitude of our goals on a regular basis to avoid wrong journeys and regrets! 

Negative energy

Thursday, May 07, 2015 Maz

Anger, frustration, jealousy and sadness are considered as negative energy.
It is a norm to get rid of them all or just numb them.

The better solution is to use them in your advantage.

Anger makes you stronger, a better fighter
Frustration makes you realise it is time for a change
Jealousy makes you try harder and be more protective to avoid further loss
Sadness makes you appreciate more

Don’t try to avoid them. Just embrace them when necessary. Use them to your advantage but be careful they are highly addictive and contagious!

Empathy VS Empower

Wednesday, May 06, 2015 Maz

I feel what you say. Yes I feel.

Empathy is useful to understand what the other party feel, thats it. The point is listening hard and saying Yes, I feel for you will not help anyone. 

If help is needed, empowering is far better than just empathy. The moment you bring them up they may see the other side and maybe, just maybe change the way they think and see things differently.

Hollywood Mirage

Tuesday, May 05, 2015 Maz

Hollywood is beautiful, vibrant and promising. Almost anyone who wants the money and fame goes to Los angles to make it big.

 Anyone who made it big are in Hollywood therefore if I physically be present in the city, it is going to do its magic and make me a star.

I am here, therefore its goanna happen. One way or another!

Most of the time we forget that hard work, dedication and work ethics made those ordinary people a superstar. As they say:

Pros make things look easy

Sometimes the fame and beauty creates a mirage, as I call it a Hollywood Mirage.
This Mirage is blinding. It makes you think it is there but you have been fooled!

It is worth looking at the work ethics and mindset of successful people to see what makes them superstar not the city.

Minority VS Majority

Friday, May 01, 2015 Maz

Most of the results we get comes from the small percentage of what we do. Roughly 10% or even less.
Most of the money coming to the businesses comes from one or handful of clients/customers.
Most of the tax are being paid by small percentage of any demographic population across the globe.

But we always focus on the majority. The bigger portion of customers and society.
Isn't that form of a social approval? Isn't that form of a people pleasing behaviour we carry around?
Isn't that our old tribal instinct that doesn't serve us any more?
We must focus on a small task, client, customer and tax payer and less be bothered about the rest.
Thats where the good bits are. The Success.

Leave the majority and people pleasing attitude to hard core politicians.