I am sorry you are too busy
I am sorry you happened to be on my way
I am sorry you just bumped into me
I am sorry you accidentally kicked my foot
I am sorry that I exist
I am just sorry.
We have programmed ourselves to be sorry all the time and we repeat it over and over.
This is out of politeness we say.
But it is not.
Put yourself to a test and count the number of the times you say "sorry" in a day.
If the number is more two or three something is wrong.
You cannot make that many mistakes in a day, can you?
The truth is being sorry has lost it's meaning.
Everybody is sorry for us and we are sorry for them.
And the reason for being sorry? a normal interaction or simple physical bump.
It is time to realise that using the word "sorry" is meaningless in our daily interactions and we cannot use it when we are truly sorry for our mistakes!